from the desk of Dr. Terry F Allen

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Disadvantages of Option Trading

1.    Taxes.  Except in very rare circumstances, all gains are taxed as short-term capital gains.  This is essentially the same as ordinary income.  The rates are as high as your individual personal income tax rates. Because of this tax situation, we encourage subscribers to carry out option strategies in an IRA or other tax-deferred account, but this is not possible for everyone.  (Maybe you have some capital loss carry-forwards that you can use to offset the short-term capital gains made in your option trading).

2.    Commissions.  Compared to stock investing, commission rates for options, particularly for the Weekly options, are horrendously high.  It is not uncommon for commissions for a year to exceed 30% of the amount you have invested.   Be wary of any newsletter that does not include commissions in their results – they are misleading you big time.

3.    Wide Fluctuations in Portfolio Value.   Options are leveraged instruments.  Portfolio values typically experience wide swings in value in both directions.

The most popular portfolio at Terry’s Tips (they call it the Weekly Mesa) gained over 100% (after commissions) in the last 4 months of 2010.  The underlying stock for the Weekly Mesa is the S&P 500 tracking stock, SPY, one of the most stable of all indexes.  Yet their weekly results included a loss of 31.3% in the last week of November (they have added an insurance tactic to make that kind of loss highly unlikely in the future, by the way).  Three times, their weekly gains were above 20%.

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Many people do not have the stomach for such volatility, just as some people are more concerned with the commissions they pay than they are with the bottom line results (both groups of people probably should not be trading options).

4.    Uncertainty of Gains. In carrying out option strategies, most prudent investors depend on risk profile graphs which show the expected gains or losses at the next options expiration at the various possible prices for the underlying.  These graphs are particularly important to check out when placing initial positions, and it is also wise to consult them frequently during the week as well. 

Oftentimes, when the options expire, the expected gains do not materialize.  The reason is usually because option prices (implied volatilities, VIX, – for those of you who are more familiar with how options work) fall.   (The risk profile graph software assumes that implied volatilities will remain unchanged.).   Of course, there are many weeks when VIX rises and you might do better than the risk profile graph had projected.   But the bottom line is that there are times when the stock does exactly as you had hoped  and you still don’t make the gains you originally expected.

With all these negatives, is option investing worth the bother?  We think it is.  Where else is the chance of 100% annual gains a realistic possibility?  We believe that at least a small portion of many people’s investment portfolio should be in something that at least has the possibility of making extraordinary returns.

With CD’s and bonds yielding ridiculously low returns (and the stock market not really showing any gains for the past 4 years), the options alternative has become more attractive for many investors, in spite of all the problems we have outlined above.


January 23, 2025

January 21, 2025 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Boomer’s Revenge Portfolio

We are closing spreads

BTC 1 IWM 24Jan25 226 put (IWM250124P226)
STC 1 IWM 21Mar25 230 put (IWM250321P230) for a credit of $7.15 (selling a diagonal)

BTC 1 IWM 24Jan25 228 call (IWM250124C228)
STC 1 IWM 21Mar25 215 call (IWM250321C215) for a credit of $15.05 (selling a diagonal)

BTC 1 IWM 24Jan25 230 call (IWM250124C230)
STC 1 IWM 21Mar25 220 call (IWM250321C220) for a credit of $11.70 (selling a diagonal)

Be prepared to change this (these) price limit(s) by $.05 or more to get an execution.

Happy trading,


November 8, 2024

November 8, 2024 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert #3 – Rising Tide Portfolio

We continue chasing delta higher

BTC 1 COST 15Nov24 905 put (COST 241115P905)
STC 1 COST 20Dec24 905 put (COST 241220P905) for a credit of $13.20 (selling a calendar) (100%)

BTC 1 COST 15Nov24 935 call (COST 241115C935)
STO 1 COST 15Nov24 960 call (COST 241115C960) for a debit of $12.15 (buying a vertical) (100%)

Be prepared to change this (these) price limit(s) by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.

Happy trading.


June 6, 2024

June 5, 2024 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Wiley Wolf Portfolio

We are closing put spreads to increase delta:  

BTC 1 MSFT 21Jun24 402.5 put (MSFT240621P402.5)
STC 1 MSFT 19Jul24 435 put (MSFT240719P435) for a credit of $15.35 (selling a diagonal) (100%) 

BTC 1 MSFT 21Jun24 405 put (MSFT240621P405)
STC 1 MSFT 19Jul24 430 put (MSFT240719P430) for a credit of $11.90 (selling a diagonal) (100%) 

Be prepared to change this (these) price limit(s) by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.

Happy trading.


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Options are not suitable for all investors as the special risks inherent to options trading my expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial losses. Please read Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options before investing in options

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