May 10, 2023 Terry’s Tips Trade Alert – Earnings Eagle Portfolio
In preparation for rolling out both shorts and longs this week, we are closing spreads to raise delta:
BTC 2 TLT 12May23 100 put (TLT230512P100)
STC 2 TLT 16Jun23 103 put (TLT230616P103) for a credit of $1.65 (selling a diagonal) (100%)
BTC 2 TLT 12May23 101 put (TLT230512P101)
STC 2 TLT 16Jun23 104 put (TLT230616P104) for a credit of $2.05 (selling a diagonal) (100%)
Be prepared to change this (these) price limit(s) by $.05 or more in order to get an execution.
Happy trading.
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