Last week just before the Apple earnings announcement after the close on Thursday, I published an article on Seeking Alpha which suggested an options strategy to play prior to the announcement. Basically, I spoke about taking advantage of the big Implied Volatility advantage for calendar spreads, and placing long-December (IV = 74) short-November (IV = 40) calendar spreads at many strike prices, both below and above the stock price.
Today I would like to offer you a link to the follow-up article also published at Seeking Alpha.
Closing Out The Options Play For The Apple Earnings Announcement
Here is the link:
Closing Out The Options Play For The Apple Earnings Announcement
IV for the December options fell more than we expected after the announcement. This means that our original projections were too rosy. We were fortunate enough to make a gain on the strategy nevertheless. The learning experience was more valuable than the loss or gain.
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